It has been a long time since the Scotland and Northern Ireland Branch has had any meetings, but now that we are all getting back on an even keel, we think the time is right to re-establish our regional branch of the ICCM.

There are many pieces of legislation in the pipeline that will impact us – the proposed changes to the Crematoria Process Guidance Notes 5/2 (12) and the implementation of the inspection regime for Funeral Directors being the most immediately important.

We would also like to gauge the level of interest amongst ICCM members and their colleagues regarding the Diploma and whether or not there is a desire for Scotland-specific modules to better reflect the legal framework within which we operate.

We understand that it might not be possible to have regular in-person meetings as we have members from Shetland to the Borders, so we would intend to have an initial meeting on Teams.

If you are interested in joining us, please get in touch by emailing your contact details to and we will forward the meeting details to you.

This is a great opportunity for us to meet, chat and share any concerns or issues we are experiencing.

We do hope you can join us.

Jennifer Hamilton, Manager, Clyde Coast & Garnock Valley Crematorium

David McNaughton, Manager, The Hurlet Crematorium