Networking Meeting – Scotland and North Ireland Branch -Friday 6th September

You are cordially invited to attend a Teams Meeting on Friday 6th September at 11am to discuss the reconstitution of the Scotland and NI Branch of the ICCM.

The last meeting was held in 2017 and things in our industry have changed dramatically since then. There is more change in the immediate future and we think this is an excellent opportunity for us all to meet quarterly to share best practice, ask questions and raise any concerns.

Because of the geographical area we cover, we think that a hybrid of Teams and in-person meetings would be best. It’s important that we do have an opportunity to all meet up, and so an annual meeting in the West and one in the East would seem the fairest way to move forward, with 2 online meetings in between.

If you would be willing to host a meeting in your area, could you let us know during the Teams Call on 6th September.

We will also be looking for sponsors who will be welcome to present a talk at the meeting and hopefully provide lunch and/or a tour of a building or attraction that they have a connection with.

If you would be interested in joining us, please send us a note of your interest and we will send an invite for the Teams Call.

We look forward to seeing you.
Jennifer Hamilton MICCM (Dip)(Hons), Manager, Clyde Coast & Garnock Valley Crematorium

David McNaughton NAFD(DipFA) MICCM(DipHons), Manager, The Hurlet Crematorium